Friday, August 28, 2009

Hello World!

Hello world! My name is Jessica and I'm adding my own little corner to the world of blogging. I suppose I'll start off with the basic plan of my blog, or rather why I wish to bore anyone willing to read.

I have an amazing memory when it comes to numbers, equations, dates, movies, music, etc. The daily things that happen in my life... not so much. For instance, I completely forgot that I ever sent a bff to check on my husband while I was away 2 years ago. I was apparently worried enough to send her over, but I don't remember doing it.

This blog will be the account of my life. It, of course, will be centered around me and my marriage because that's pretty much the biggest thing in my life. Being married tends to mean I see my husband everyday so if he gets mentioned frequently, you'll know why. :)

I also plan to let my future child read this. At the end of each year, I'll go through and pick out the less boring stuff and print it off into a book. I feel like I don't know my parents, because I don't know how they got to where they are today. While I could sit down with them and ask, there's a slight problem with that... memories fade. They can't account for a lot of the things they did and went through growing up.

So there you have it. "The Plan."

I know that a lot of blogs are there to "give advice" but to me, it seems more like "Be like me." "Like the things I like." "Make your marriage like mine because it's so much better!" I hate books like that. I hate blogs like that. Every person is unique. Every relationship is unique. What works for you, probably doesn't work for me. So I'm not here to give advice. There might be a few things that I suggest, but mostly this is just about me, my marriage, my thoughts, my opinions. I encourage your responses though. Especially if I say something you disagree with. I'm very open-minded and up for debate.