Thursday, January 7, 2010

I love my husband

He's obnoxious. When I decide to watch a movie, he decides he needs to yell and laugh very loudly with other gamers online. I try to watch movies he won't like when he's not home because of this. I save the ones he will like so he doesn't feel the need to get online lol.

He can be pretty lazy. I have to initiate all cleaning. He's pretty good about doing stuff once I ask him though. :) Once in a blue moon, he'll actually do things on his own.

He's pretty hopeless in the kitchen when it comes to cooking more complex things. He can easily make steaks and even boxed dinners. If it has more than 5 ingredients though... I have to be there right along side him or do it myself. He doesn't like reading directions more than once because "it wastes time."

He has a horrible memory. If I ask him to call somewhere, I have to make sure he does it right then or I know he'll forget. I really don't understand how someone's memory can be so bad. Other than the fact that he's more focused on fun that is...

He argues with me a lot. 90% of the time though, I end up proving him wrong. That 10% keeps him from simply believing me. It would be so much easier if he would just accept that I'm right. Haha. One of his uncles even told him to learn to admit when he's wrong. That surprised me!

He can also be spontaneously romantic and sweet.
-I opened the door to flower petals on the floor leading into our room. There he had my friend's fondue set with chocolate and strawberries.
-He came home with chocolates, cute little ankle socks (because they're the best socks!) he saw on his way out of the store and chick flick rentals! <3 He even watched them with me.
-There was a layer of snow on my car one night after work, and he had stopped by and wrote "I love you" in the snow and left a rose on my seat.

Those are some of my favorites, but I love the time we spend together. We like to go to the park in the Spring/Summer and feed corn to the ducks, geese and swans. They love corn so much better than bread! Lately, we've been playing New Super Mario Brothers for the Wii and I accidentally kill him a lot because I'm not all that great with the controls - especially with the butt-bomb, jumping on him as he jumps over a cliff and on the ice levels! I die a lot, so I think it's funny when it happens. It keeps our lives pretty even. He wins at Wii Sports Tennis all the time, so it's great when I beat him at Bowling and Golf.

It's been a bit too cold to go swimming. (The walk back is freezing, so we only go if it's in the 40s or above). We race and of course, he wins every time. He cheats though. He pushes off the wall way harder. :b It's fun though and it's good exercise for us!

He takes care of me when I don't feel good. If he gets up to get something for himself, he always gets me more water because he knows I'll ask anyway. When we do laundry, he changes it in and out of the washer and dryer so I don't have to, but we fold together. We usually get into a sock fight, too.

I get him hooked to my favorite shows and so I always get to enjoy them with someone else. TV shows are better with someone beside you. The first one I got him hooked on was Grey's Anatomy. Haha, very girly and full of drama. He hates drama, so I'm not sure why he likes it so much. He's slowly starting to like House. He thinks House is an arrogant ass, and he is, but that's what makes House awesome. He's growing on him. <3 He puts up with my Twilight obsession too! He even goes to the movies with me.

I'm so happy that I found someone who likes to just lay in bed and cuddle and talk. It's a favorite thing for both of us. He's very open and talkative. He doesn't do the macho thing and try to keep things from me. He likes to just move forward and forget the bad or stressful things of the day. It's annoying as hell when we are fighting, but a quality I admire.

He's a good chauffeur too. My car is frozen right now and is pretty useless, so I've had to work my schedule around his, but he's happy to drive me around. He always opens my car door, and other doors. He's a gentleman.

So even though he leaves a million dirty socks all over our place and avoids the dishes like the plague, I'm happy to have someone who understands me, loves me and will be by my side no matter what.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Our Christmas Eve and Day

We had a really great time on Christmas Eve. We went to Steve's parents' house for prime rib, yum! We played different games on the Wii for a couple hours and then opened presents. His parents were very generous and bought us a Wii of our own. They also got us various little things such as fuzzy socks, winter hats, candies, etc. I love fuzzy socks! It was a nice evening.

The next day was pretty quiet. We stayed home. Let me rephrase that... we were forced into staying home. We got a blizzard and the whole state shut down. We usually have the traditional dinner of turkey, ham, potatoes, etc. with several of his aunts, uncles, cousins and his parents. His uncle asked me to make deviled eggs, so I did. I had 18 hard boiled eggs that Steve and I ended up having to eat ourselves over this last week. Since we were stuck at the apartment, we hooked up the Wii and played that for a while before taking a nap. The rest of the night we were couch potatoes and watched tv and cuddled. That's one of my favorite things. :)