Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Love

I love you because you kiss me on the forehead at random times. It makes me feel special.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Last year, we just had a normal dinner because I didn't want to spend the extra on a turkey and such since we were so broke from moving. This year, we made our first turkey for Thanksgiving! We've always had somewhere to go in the past, but not since moving to Utah. We skipped last year, so it was kind of inevitable.

Here's our first turkey!!! It was so freaking delicious! And it wasn't dry! I was a little worried since it was the first...


I don't work tomorrow (Lucky! I know!!!) so I made some acorns to help keep my coworkers happy. Chocolate always eases the pain haha.


Although, I realize now that I really should have used peanut butter chips on top, instead of chocolate chips. Oh well... Next time! :)

What if you only had tomorrow only what you thanked God for today?

I'm thankful for my husband. He's amazing. He takes care of me, loves me, supports me and gets me.

I'm thankful for my health. Sure I have some issues, but they could be a million times worse. Even though I complain from time to time, I know I have it good.

I'm thankful for just enough money in my account every month to pay my bills. I couldn't do it on my own, and I'm thankful that we both have full time jobs.

I'm thankful for my amazing family. My blood family, my in-laws and of course, Brian and co.

I'm thankful to live in America. We definitely have issues, but I'd rather be here than any other country.

Happy Thanksgiving and be safe on Friday! Most accidents are preventable!!! Be aware of your surroundings at all times!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Love

I love you because you did laundry by yourself last night so that I could get some sleep for work. Thank you.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Love

I love you because you didn’t tell them you were ready to go at any time. You gave me time with you.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Love

I love you because you truly love my family as much as I do! :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Together for the Holidays!

There won't be a new job list for the Air Force until mid December, and the current boot camp won't be done until the beginning of January - which means we get to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas together! Yay!

Speaking of... we're starting to plan out gifts for the parentals. Any ideas for a woman who likes to read, crochet, run and takes lots of 4 hour trips for business? Or a man who is a giant kid, is handy and likes doing stuff with his hands, loves his truck, and does hapkido?

There's also a man who loves camping, fishing and sailing in the summer, but other wise spends most of his time on the computer playing video games, loves the Packers, loves his Harley but he's selling it soon because of a neck surgery.

My sister and mother-in-law I got figured out.

However, I also need ideas for a 5 year old girl, a 16 year old girl, and a 13 year old girl with angelman's syndrome.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Catch up time

I know. You missed me. Sorry for the long break. Let's catch up.

My mother-in-law came to visit the first week of October. It was a short trip. We went out to eat a few times and went shopping. I ALMOST got a dog. He was cute and priced perfectly, but he was way high strung. I'm looking for a more mellow dog, and I prefer female. So after a lot of debating, I turned him down.

On Saturday the 22nd, I went to run some errands after Steve went to work. I couldn't find my car. He had left it in the red zone over night after unloading groceries. It cost $210 to get it back. I was so angry and annoyed and stressed.

Then last weekend we looked at more dogs and I found the most beautiful puppy! She's a pit bull mix, and she is gorgeous! She snuggled right into my neck when I held her. But because of the car being towed, we can't afford her. I'm hoping she'll be there next week when we get paid, but she was so precious, I'm sure she's already been snatched up.

We both dressed up for Halloween for work. Maybe I'll post pictures later. Steve was death. I was a witch. Simple. Neither of us have dressed up for a long time so it was fun.

Other than that, just working a lot. Our holiday sets are all going up this week and I've been stressed about it. I haven't been able to get new stuff shelved because I've been having to finish projects. I have a new partner, and I wish I could have opened this week instead of her. It would have been easier for her to learn the department by shelving rather than having to do a million projects. They're taking her longer to do than me or Toni, but only because she doesn't know where everything is just yet. Instead of shelving, I've been finishing those up and doing the ones I know she won't get to, or doing the complicated ones.

Our customer service has been moved to the front. It's making it a lot harder for people to keep an eye on would-be thieves, as well as for anyone working my kids area (me included) to keep an eye on customer service and jump in to help. So some of my coworkers are stressing too. It has not been a fun week.