Friday, February 25, 2011


I hate most vegetables and have neglected to eat them for the most part for the last 6 years. I'm starting again and I've discovered the following...

Cucumbers are good on a sandwich, and are tolerable plain.

Corn is more of a starch.

Carrots are still delicious.

Green beans need salt and pepper. I just bought some frozen green beans, we'll see if that improves their taste.

Zucchini, carrots, and yellow peppers are good together, but leave out the tomatoes. If tomatoes must be involved, add a nut as well to hide the texture.

The best salad is Asian salad with Oriental vinaigrette. But plain ole lettuce with a light ranch will work too.

Broccoli is to be eaten with a butter sauce or cheese. Never plain, and never raw. Not negotiable.

Cauliflower is out of the question.

Same with peas. Unless involved with rice.

That's as far as I've gotten. Any suggestions for an anti-veggie girl?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Formal Prayer

I don’t like formal prayers. At church or in class, I would never volunteer to do the prayer or I would decline if picked anyway.

They call it a personal relationship. They say that God has such a deep love for you (and that you should feel the same). They say that He’s above your spouse, and everyone else in your life. They say that He knows you better than you know yourself.

I believe all of that. Which is why I hate formal prayer. I talk to God the way I talk to my husband, if not a bit more respectful. :b God is my best friend so I talk to Him like He’s my best friend. He knows me down to my core. He knows how much I love, cherish, adore, worship, praise and serve Him. Why do I need to be formal with Him? He knows I mean no disrespect or whatever when I talk or pray to Him. He knows all of my flaws, faults and sins. Of course, I repent and try to do better.

What I pray to God, and what I say to him, what I ask of him… it’s between me and Him. If I need physical outside help, I do ask others. I’m not afraid to ask. I just don’t see why people need to share their problems with others in the form of a prayer.

You don’t repent and ask forgiveness for those specific things in front of the whole church, why do you need to ask for His help, and His help alone, in front of others? You’re not asking for any person’s help or guidance. You’re asking for His. I feel as if it’s just for show.

Now I do pray for others, but quietly. If I pray for you, I don’t think you need to know the specifics and I don’t need to do it openly in front of you.

My conversations with Him are private. But that doesn’t mean I won’t talk about Him to others.

I know that a lot of Christians would judge me or look down on me because of my view on this. But I don’t really care, because let’s be honest, that’s not very Christ-like of them. What matters to me is that I have a good, deep, trusting relationship with my Lord and Savior. It might not look like yours and that’s okay. We’re all unique.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Love Everyday

Apparently, my Air Force post was depressing. *Shrug* It's what's happening in our life. Maybe we should have celebrated V-day this year, because we may not get to every year. But I still don't see the point. We celebrate our love everyday. Random days are our Valentine's days. We go out to eat once in a while. We make dinner together pretty often. He brings me flowers, or teddy bears (sometimes bunnies), or cute new ankle socks. I bring him video game accessories, or the next volume of a series he's reading, or a shirt I think he'll look good in. We write letters and poems to each other once in a while.

Valentine's day isn't supposed to be about the gifts, but everyone always asks "What did your sweetheart give you?" Gifts are nice because it shows the person thought about you, and that's why Steve and I give random gifts. They're not expensive or extravagant, but they're thoughts. It means more to me when he randomly brings something home in the middle of May than it does on Valentine's day. It's all in your face. On the shelves in all the stores. On the radio. On TV commercials. There are constant reminders to buy overpriced items, and reserve overpriced meals at a crowded, noisy restaurant.

Valentine's Day is seriously pointless to me. It's just another shopping holiday. Bring on Easter though! I love Easter! It's a holiday worth celebrating, not just because I'm a Christian, but it brings family together. Jesus, salvation and family are things worth celebrating, and without gifts! And the Easter egg hunt is just good fun! And it's an excuse for me to make deviled eggs! Yum! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I've been looking around at different art pieces trying to decide how to decorate. It's about time to stop with the posters and wall scrolls. Granted, if I ever have an office, those wall scrolls are going right back up! :) Possibly in a daughter's room if that ever happens.

Anyway, I did find some really cute pieces at different places, but sometimes the borders weren't my taste while the rest of it was. Or the background was great, but the quote was wrong. Or part of it was too ornate. Or the color scheme was wrong. That, and some of them were rather pricey...

So I decided to buy some paint, paint brushes and canvases. I'll make my own! And with the colors I want too, gosh darn it! Although, I bought some practice paper stuff too because I haven't painted in forever! Yep, when I get a piece done that I like, I'll post it here to share with you! Wish me luck!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Air Force

Steve talked to another recruiter last Wednesday. He took a practice ASVAB and got pretty darn high!

They say there is a waiting list to get on the waiting list, but with his high score, the recruiter thinks he can pull some strings to get him in sooner. He just needs to lose 20 pounds.

The recruiter isn't going to start anything though until after this Friday. He wants to make sure that Steve is actually losing the weight. So the recruiter told him to lose 5 pounds before Friday. We'll see what happens when he weighs in again!

I'm still... sad... I guess that he's joining. I don't want to have those months of separation that comes with being in the Air Force - especially since Steve wants to make a career out of it. Sometimes we need a little space, but not a day's worth, and certainly not a month's worth.

We do everything together. Errands, grocery shopping, laundry, etc. When something goes wrong, like say with our cable, he's the one who calls to get it fixed. I'm basically dependent on the man, and that's going to have to change real quick. I hate doing things on my own. It'll be a tough adjustment.

Same goes with sleeping. I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep the first few times he leaves. I wish he'd find a career in the civilian world that he loves. The Air Force does take good care of you though. So I don't know. I'm still torn on it. But I'm supporting him.

I do know that I don't feel doom and gloom about it. So maybe nothing bad will happen to him after all. My two major complaints are not seeing him every day for the rest of our lives, and the other is being scared that he'd die in a war, and we'd only get these few short years together. It still worries me, but I'm not obsessively worried anymore.

I come from generations and generations of military so it's not like I'm not used to the life style. Both of my parents recently retired. I know my daddy is proud that his son-in-law is joining, but my own heart just isn't 100% in it yet.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Love - It Goes Both Ways

If you really know me, you know how much I adore animals. You'd also know that unless my husband is in the kitchen when I get home, my cat gets love and kisses first.

She rushes to greet me EVERY time I come home from work, or even after 5 minutes to run down to the office for something.

If she's tired and wants to sleep while I'm on the computer, she's under the desk curled up around my feet.

If she's awake and just wants to be near me, she's on the back of my chair leaning against me.

If I'm in the kitchen, she's in the kitchen.

If I'm in the bedroom, she's in the corner of the bedroom watching.

I absolutely cherish her, and I'm glad she feels the same! She's definitely a mama's girl.

Born in Vegas

I was born in Las Vegas. I lived there the first 5 years of my existence. I’m used to the heat. I love the heat. Living further north in the US really sucks for me.

It’s windy, cloudy, dark and dreary out right now. You know what it’s like in Las Vegas right now? 64°F and mostly sunny. It’s not hot, but it’s comfortable, and I wouldn’t need a winter coat.

In case you haven’t heard, those first few years are important developmentally. And I developed in a warmer climate!

Knowing my luck, my husband will get orders to Alaska, or Minnesotaor Wisconsin when he joins the Air Force.

No More Football

I’m glad the super bowl has come and gone. I really can’t stand football. I’ve heard about the long term physical damage, as well as, brain damage it can do to certain players, and it just seems stupid to put yourself in that position. I hate how overpaid all professional athletes are. I don’t think they deserve all that money for playing a game. Lastly, fans of each team can be downright nasty to each other. It’s just a game. Chill out.

My Top 5 Super Bowl Commercials

#1 Doritos - The Best Part

The guy with the pants, ultra creepy, but the cheese on the finger really made me laugh!

#2 House isn't included in YouTubes "ad blitz" but it was awesome! Here's a poor quality of it, HD quality on the facebook page for House.!/House

#3 Doritos - House Sitting

Grandpa sitting on the couch when he got home was the best part!

#4 Volkswagen - The Force

It's definitely something my dad would do just to mess with us.

#5 Brisk - Eminem

Because Eminem is awesome.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Can't be separated


A few nights ago my husband randomly brought home these teddy bears that are attached. He said they are us, because nothing can separate us.

He's kinda cheesy sometimes, but it was still a cute gift!

I love him!

Maple-Glazed Chicken


2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. black pepper
2 tbsp. maple syrup
1 tbsp. butter
1 tbsp Dijon mustard

♦Position rack in the upper one-third of the oven. Preheat oven to 500°F. Coat a baking sheet with nonstick spray.
♦Combine paprika, salt, cinnamon, cumin and pepper in a bowl. Rub the mixture over the chicken and place them on the baking sheet. Bake 15 minutes.
♦Meanwhile, combine the syrup, butter and mustard in a small saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring until the butter melts and the mixture is well combined.
♦After the chicken has baked for 15 minutes, brush it with the maple glaze and bake another 5 minutes. If needed, brush the chicken again and bake until cooked through.


Try it! It's delicious! My mother-in-law doesn't like cumin, so whenever we make it for her, we leave it out. It's good both ways. :)


I woke up this morning with my husband, we laid in bed for a little bit and then he got ready for work.

Once he left, I got up, washed my face and fixed my hair and then started cleaning and didn't stop for two hours. My apartment looks fabulous and smells fresh! I even dusted!

Sometimes it takes a REALLY long time to clean my apartment. It's ridiculous. So I pretty much love it when I'm motivated like that. :)

What motivates you? Or do you get random surges like me? :)


My husband is trying to get into the Air Force. He has to lose 15 lbs before they’ll start the process, and I’m thankful that it’s taking him a while to lose it.

I want him to join because I want to be supportive of his goals and dreams. I want him to join so that he has job security.

I’m terrified of him joining because I don’t want to lose him in a war. I honestly doubt I could survive without him, and I don’t want to put it to the test. I would just… be lost. He’s everything to me.

Being so in love… it hurts. You constantly worry about something happening to the other person. They say that it goes away after so many years together. I don’t think it will ever go away for me. I want to be with him another 50 years at the least. I love him and want to be with him. I’m just terrified of losing him.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I’m so grateful to have a job. I’m grateful that I found a job the day that I moved here, and that it wasn’t seasonal.

Man on the Moon

It amazes me how  people in third world countries don’t know all the things that I know. There’s a commercial that’s been on TV for a long time. It’s a little boy in Africa who received assistance to go to school. It’s common knowledge for children his age to know that we’ve been to the moon, but he didn’t know that. I’m so lucky and blessed to live in America. I wish more knowledge like this could be given to the entire human race.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I wish more of my out-of-state  friends would get webcams so we could video chat. I’m camera shy and I think it would really help.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pulled Over For Nothing!

On his way home from work on Monday night, Steve got pulled over. The cop just happened to be behind him and was apparently bored because he ran Steve's plates for the heck of it.

We seriously don't care if there is a cop behind or near us. We go the speed limit. We don't slow down to go under the speed limit like most idiots. We treat them like any other car.

So Steve was pretty surprised when those lights started flashin'.

Cop: The reason I pulled you over is because I ran your plates while behind you and they came back with no insurance.

Steve: Wait, what? Yeah I have insurance and last time I checked it was still good.

Cop: Okay, You have proof? Great let me go back and run this.

Everything was fine, of course and the cop tells Steve to have a good night.

How Sweet

I've had a picture of my dad for... well forever it seems. He's all dressed up in a tuxedo, and I only ever remember him dressing like that for his own wedding, and then later for mine.

It's kind of hard to ask about a picture if the person can't see it.

My little sister and I were on Skype this weekend and I was sharing my screen with her showing her old pictures I had of us, and my parents came over to look too. They oohed and aaahed over them, of course.

They said my dad was dressed up like that to go pick up my step-mom (before they were married) from the airport. She was coming back from Germany. How sweet is that? My daddy sure can be a romantic!



I'm definitely looking forward to Spring and the warm weather that starts with it!

Apparently, Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow. Hurray!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1st

I can't believe it's already February! Time sure does fly!

At least we are one month closer to Spring! And another month closer to seeing my family again! :)

Today it is the coldest it's been since we moved here. It is currently 15°F and our low tonight will be 4°F. I'm having a "ha ha!" moment because it is currently -2°F in South Dakota with a low tonight of -10°F.

It's moments like these that I'm super happy we moved away from there!

Locked Out On The 3rd Floor


This is my first home away from my family (top right). I loved living here with AM. We had so much fun in that apartment, but also a lot of heart ache. A lot happened in that apartment. Relationships began and ended. New friends were made too!

Living on the top was great because we didn't have neighbors above us stomping around! However, it was also a pain carrying heavy things up all those stairs!

One night, AM and I decided we wanted ice cream so we immediately headed downstairs to the car. Suddenly, we realized we couldn't get in the car because we had no keys. Our apartment had both a bolt and a door knob lock. We had locked the door knob. Crap!

So we went downstairs and through the laundry room to the other side of the building to our "on-site manager" who was NEVER there to see if he could let us back in. He didn't answer. Go figure. So we sat outside for a little bit trying to figure out what to do.

We finally decided one of us would have to climb up the side to our balcony. AM ended up doing it because the wood was kind of old, and I was heavier than her. I stayed right under her in case I somehow had to catch her, as well as played look out for cops thinking we were breaking in.

Thankfully, we hadn't put the stick in the track to keep out the bad guys. Of course, up until then we didn't really think much of it. Once we realized how easy it was to break in, that stick was in there all the time!

We never locked ourselves out again after that!


The next best part of living on the third floor with a balcony was being able to do this! We only did it a couple times, and never with anything that could explode (like a trash bag full of trash) but it was fun watching old broken stuff fall apart when we threw it over the balcony!