Monday, September 24, 2012


My blog is going private October 1st. Send me your emails on Facebook, or text it to me so you can continue reading my boring life. :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Baby stuff on pinterest

Yeah, I've been pinning a lot of baby stuff haha. It's because it will be safe to start trying in 6 weeks if we want to and there's just so many awesome things out there (from photo ops, to nurseries, to practical advice). We might just stop trying to prevent a pregnancy at that point and whatever happens, happens. I don't know.

I feel like we are still teenagers and that it's crazy to even be thinking about this stuff. It's hard seeing myself as a mom or Steve as a dad, but at the same time... I can totally see it. It will be fun to watch Steve turn into a dad, too, I think.

I feel like we're ready because Steve obviously has a stable job with the Air Force with some of the best insurance. I could quit my job and we'd still be able to pay all our bills and put money into savings. At this point, I really would have to quit because day care costs what I make each week. Stupid retail. Why spend time away from my baby if it evens out? Maybe to socialize at work? I don't know. But I'm already considering quitting anyway because we call the police so much at my store (for perverts, pedophiles and of course theft). But I also really want to focus on my dreams of getting a degree in business, really learning photography and photoshop and of course, getting a nice camera.

So I feel like we're not ready because I want to get started on classes. There are big purchases we still want to make, and I feel like a baby would take those things away.

However, my parents are 4 hours away. My grandparents and aunt 12. One of my cousins, 2 hours. When the day comes, I call my dad to tell him I'm heading to the hospital and he can be here in a snap! I don't want him (or anyone, but Steve) in the room during delivery, but I want him to be the first person let in and able to hold him/her. Having a baby now before Steve gets orders somewhere else, will give me the best support during my pregnancy, and first few years.

And you know that whole ticking thing with the biological clock!

Puppy for Christmas!

Steve is letting me get a puppy for Christmas! Hooray! I'm going to start looking next month though, because I know it takes a while to find the perfect one! But there's a puppy somewhere that is about to be born who already has a forever home. I can't wait to meet her!

Jasmine doesn't know it yet, but she will have a play buddy soon and will hopefully get worn out during the day and leave me alone at 3 am, 4 am and 5 am.

She is frustrating me though. I have to keep our spare bedroom door shut because she's pooped in there twice and peed once. Now that she doesn't have access, I discovered last night she's been peeing on the spare bathroom rug. No pooping outside her box though! Although, I think I'd rather have that because it doesn't soak into the carpet the way pee does. I don't know what to do about it! I keep her litter box clean so I don't know what her problem is!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Quarter of a century!

Happy birthday to me! I'm 25!

24 was hard. I'm looking forward to 25 being a lot calmer, and a lot brighter. My family is close by. I'm praying and hoping my husband doesn't get sent anywhere, though. I plan on getting pregnant before I'm 26, too, but that's still months away. 25 will be interesting for sure.

I'm looking forward to the warmest winter of my life so far. People at work were talking about how they can't drive in snow... I don't like it, but I can do it. I will always make Steve do it if we're together, but I can get myself somewhere if necessary. 

I can't believe I'm 25 though. It's crazy! 25 years seems like such a long time, and yet I'll most likely wonder where the time went when I'm 50.

Hope you all are having a great holiday weekend!