Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Unconditional Love

My favorite part about being married to Steve is that after a fight, whether about stupid things, or something bigger, he's still there. Even if I piss him off beyond all reason, I can curl up in his arms and he will gladly keep me there. He never pushes me away. He always wants me and he wants me for forever.

I take him for granted sometimes, and I know I shouldn't. He truly loves me unconditionally. He teaches me every day how to truly love someone. I'm so blessed to have found him and to have him in life. I hope and pray we will grow old together. He is my very best friend and I love him more than I ever thought possible of love.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fighting like brother and sister

Steven and I have been fighting a lot lately. Over stupid little crap. We both know it's stupid little crap and yet we can't seem to help it. I think the problem is that we spend too much time together. I like that my world revolves around him, and I like that his world revolves around me. He's my best friend. I also like to have my independence. He likes to have his. We want both, but of course we can't have it both ways. We need to find some balance. I would love to do things with my friends, but I work evenings (usually 3-11) and they all work morning/day shifts or they are in class. He never wants to do anything with his friends outside of work.

I also think a pet would help. A dog, specifically, because then our focus would be split from each other. Plus, I'd get more exercise. I'd also have a cuddle buddy when I watch my chick flicks haha. Steve is willing to watch some, but not all. Unfortunately, we currently live in a no pets apartment.

We are also just getting impatient and frustrated. We are moving at the end of the summer and we both just want to be out of here. We hate this waiting game. I do love the life we have made here, but at the same time I hate it. That's why we are moving. We hate it more than we love it.

We haven't been out for more than an hour (and only to grab something we need) in a really long time. We are either cooped up in our apartment, or we are at work. I'm sure that's another reason we are fighting. We haven't been able to get out and do anything fun in a few months because we have different days off. I really hope we both get over this fast. I need to just check myself when we start fighting. Hopefully, he'll do the same.

Psoriasis vs Pityriasis

In 2007 I got a pretty big dry patch of skin on my back with several little ones in random places. My doctor made sure it wasn't a worm or anything else. He said it was Pityriasis. They don't know what causes it, but he said it usually shows up after getting over a virus. I had just gotten over being sick, so it made sense. I had one other outbreak in 2008, and haven't had another until now. Sad thing is, all you can really do is wait for them to go away (usually 6 weeks).

Well I've had a really weird bumpy, dry patch start on my elbow. I thought it was warts initially, but the at home treatment didn't work. So I finally went to the doctor, she took one look and decided it was psoriasis. I got two different creams for it, one of which is a steroid, and it seems to be helping my elbow. I also got another large patch of dry skin on my hip. She decided it was psoriasis too. I don't think this doctor has dealt with pityriasis before, and she's a dermatologist. Because the big patch shows up and then a week or two later, little pea size ones show up everywhere. I researched both and I really think both doctors are right. I think my elbow really is psoriasis, but the rest is pityriasis. Just the way they are both behaving is what makes me think that. The little patches aren't reacting to the creams for the psoriasis on my elbow.

I've had to change some of my shower habits because of the psoriasis so it doesn't get worse, and it's rather annoying. I like to just shower, get out and go about my day. I changed to Dove body wash (because it's recommended for it's moisturizing qualities). No more Bath & Body for me. I love their scents! Dove isn't bad, but it's no "PS I love you." I'm now using Olay In Shower Lotion. It makes my bathtub pretty slick which means it needs to be cleaned a lot more often. :b After the shower, I also add Olay Quench Deep Moisture Lotion. It's not helping the pityriasis at all, which I knew it wouldn't. That's just how it works. I have to wait it out. It's actually getting worse, and I think it's because I've been fighting something for like a week. Here's hoping for a future of healthy skin!