Monday, December 17, 2012

Jasmine: Stage 3

She has moved onto stage 3.

The center of the toilet cover contraption has a hole in it.

I put her up there and she looked in the hole and down at the water for a good 3 or 4 more minutes before looking and sniffing around. She jumped down. I put her up again and she peed for me. She made me laugh so much though. When it first hit the water she was startled quite a bit by the sound. The next 2 times as well.

Her training is going well though and I'm so excited! Her litter box is now a thing of the past!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Jasmine's new trick

So I've got some exciting news...

Jasmine is learning to use the toilet.


Yeah, I get it. Funny. I laughed, too. :) But it's actually working! She's only on the 2nd stage, but she's graduating to stage 3 on Wednesday.

Stage 1 was getting her to go on the seat contraption (on the floor). She's used to a deeper litter box and being able to bury her business.

Stage 2 is putting the contraption on the toilet and training her to jump up. It's fully solid and still uses litter. (The flushable kind)

Stage 3 has a small hole to get her used to balancing around the center and her business going in the water. And you slowly lessen the amount of litter.

Stage 4 has just a little bit of litter and a bigger hole to really balance her.

Stage 5 has no inner ring and she learns to balance on the seat itself. 

I'll let you know when she passes stage 3.

She is being trained on our spare bathroom toilet, no we are not sharing with her. And no, we are not training her how to flush haha.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

For those of you following my medical issues... I'm not broken anymore

Hello monthly gift.

This also means that I won't be starting birth control next month since my body is fixing itself. Hooray!

Although, I have decided if I'm not pregnant before August 2013, I will put it on hold until December 2013. Traveling around the end of a pregnancy is a bad idea, and my sister graduates in June of 2014.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Fun

I left Wednesday, hit some traffic but got to my parents in 4 hours 15 minutes.

We ran to the mall to say hi to my sister at Forever 21, then hung out at the house while daddy made cornbread and chili.

Thursday, my parents made dinner. My grandma came over at 1. My aunt and her boyfriend at 4 and we ate at 430. We had turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, broccoli salad, sweet potatoes, and I think that's it. It was DELICIOUS!

After dinner, Abigail and I went to see Breaking Dawn and it really was the best one! Surprise ending and all!

Friday, we went to a nearby park. Abigail and I walked around and our parents ran. Then we went to the mall for a few hours before Abigail had to work. Daddy and I played on the Wii before going back to the mall to get Abigail.

Saturday, we went to Christmas Town at Busch Gardens. It was super cold so only a handful of actual rides were open. But I really just wanted to walk around and look at the pretty lights anyway. We saw 2 of their musical shows, drank hot chocolate, had toasted, sweetened pecans and almonds and had dinner. We rode the train around the park to see different lights. We walked through most of the areas and one of them had a snow machine. Haha. You know you're in the south when you run into a snow machine. We went on the sky ride and saw more lights. It was a lot of fun. We froze. We sang Christmas songs. Then we froze some more.

 Santa's workshop. Santa was inside taking pictures with babies and such

This tree changed colors and lit up different areas every half hour to music.
One of the musical shows

This is the Pompeii Ride. They drained the water for winter, and covered it with lights. Those purple trees are 6 feet tall so you can get an idea of how many lights this really is. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

That stupid petition to secede

I have a dilemma. One of Steve's sergeants was bragging about signing that petition. He is in the US Air Force. He wants to leave the US and his commander-in-chief, President Obama. I feel like signing that petition is abandonment of country which is punishable. I feel like any member of the military in any of the branches that signs the petition to leave the US should be kicked out immediately.

I really don't know if it's that big of a deal. I don't know if it should be considered abandonment of country. I just personally feel like it is.

Honestly, I don't want someone who wants to leave the US to be my husband's wingman in a war zone. I feel like that person has no loyalty to his country, how can I expect him to have loyalty to my husband who is fighting wholeheartedly for his country?


Our 2012 Christmas Card

Merry Little Tree Christmas
Create beautiful photo Christmas cards at
View the entire collection of cards.
Thanksgiving is next week so I thought I should get them ordered now. 
I love personal photo cards over boxed cards, even if they do cost 
a little more. :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Veterans Day

I've always felt this way. Glad someone else does, too. It's ridiculous how much money professional players make.

Anyway, Happy Veterans Day! I come from a long line of military, and I'm proud of it!

Thank you to everyone who has served and is serving - not just armed forces, but police and firefighters, too. Thank you to the spouses, children and families who have sacrificed so much to support their veteran. My husband has not been deployed yet, but I am still slowly learning all of the sacrifices that comes with this and they pretty much suck. Haha.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pets and Natural Disasters,,20645567,00.html#21237579

"LeeAnn Rivera and her seven children fled their Queens, N.Y., apartment, which was completely flooded by the disaster. Sadly, they had to leave their dog and three cats behind. ASPCA responders rescued the brood from the wreckage and brought them to the Queens College evacuation shelter where the family is now living."

This seriously pissed me off. First of all, if she had evacuated like she was told and planned ahead even a little, she wouldn't have left her animals stranded or in need of rescuing. Who knows what even happened to the cats? Second, domesticated animals entrust you with their lives. They are living, breathing creatures. Third, don't bring a life into your home that you are not willing to even consider in the event of an emergency. There were places set up all over the area in the path of this storm where you could take your pets before hand. All of NYC knew it was in the path. 

Steve and I have a plan. I grab Jasmine, he grabs the folder of our life. I am extremely grateful to have sprinklers in every room. In the event of a fire, with us home or not, my cat will not burn to death. She may be wet and pissed off at the end of the day, but she will be safe and alive.

Obviously, you can't plan for all natural disasters. But people need to have a plan for their pets with the ones you can plan for, such as Sandy.

Rant over.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Over sharing

Only a few people I know in real life (and none of them are family) read my blog. So I feel safe talking about the baby stuff here.

Do you find it weird to learn your friends/family are trying for a baby? I mean, there's just one way most people make a baby...

So I'm super uncomfortable with letting anyone know that we are now trying. Which makes me realize that the internet has turned people into over-sharers...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Not looking forward to...

comments... and Facebook when I get pregnant.

People annoy the crap out of me when they give unsolicited advice. And if a pregnant girl says something as simple as "I'm tired." Then here comes the "just wait" x 100 or "join the club."

I will have a shirt just like that. It will also say, "I do not want your advice unless I ask for it."

And so, I'm thinking I may not announce to Facebook when I become pregnant. There might just suddenly be pictures of a newborn. Hahaha. Of course, I would announce to my blog as soon as both of our parents are made aware. :) 

Anyway, thoughts on Facebook and pregnancy? Thoughts on unsolicited advice?

Saturday, October 20, 2012


My husband and I are in different rooms, but within hearing distance.

All of a sudden I hear "Annetta"

"No." Is my immediate response.

We both knew he was throwing a baby name out there even though it's been a few weeks since we last talked about it. Haha.

"You don't like Annetta?"

"No. Where did that come from?"

"Assassin's Creed."

*face palm*

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I Quit

I quit my job almost 2 weeks ago. The reasons in order of most important to least important:

Safety. If you look at a crime map, the area of my store was surrounded by assault, theft, breaking into cars, and a robbery now and then.
--- There was a pedophile in the store for about a week following a 14 year old boy. He once went to the bathroom to try to escape, and the man cornered and propositioned him. We did call the police, but the guy was gone when they arrived.
--- Creepy older santa looking dude only wanted female help, refused to be rung up by male workers and said very uncomfortable things. "Can I drink out of your shoe?" Not sure the exact wording but asking to go home with and/or to have the girl go home with him. And he was there every single morning Monday through Friday waiting by the doors 20 minutes before we opened (and when most employees arrived). I opened every day I worked except 3 or 4 times and I was always very uneasy waiting for someone to come open the door for me. After the first couple of times "helping" him, I learned that he would leave me alone if one of my male coworkers were near me and so if I saw him coming I would page a guy to come "help" me with something. Steve came to visit me for lunch once and I very deliberately walked in front of the guy, grabbed Steve's hand and cuddled up to him. The guy left me completely alone after that, but his presence still made me uncomfortable. And the way he licked his lips while talking to you... blech. I asked the manager if there was anything that could be done about him and all she said was "I'm supposed to be assessing his mental health, and that requires talking to him..." I get it. But the safety and ease of mind of your employees is more important!
--- The company is spending money on a security guard. I have never worked anywhere that required a security guard in the evenings for safety. He has to walk employees out after close. It certainly made me feel better the one night I closed, but the fact that we need one...
--- The management staff is new to the company. They are all great managers in general, but they don't really know what they are doing. Management asked me to teach them how to do things. I now believe it's important to promote from within. I strongly feel my previous store is the perfect standard for the company. The management is very particular about following ALL policies, rules and guidelines. They are all trained and ready for their next roles should a spot become available such as assistant manager to store manager, and store manager to district manager.
--- I'm OCD about some things. It took me 2 months to fix the children's department to what the company set for this store. It's all easily and readily available to anyone in the store, not just higher ups. Some of the changes I enforced were from summer 2011. It all just felt very chaotic and messy and I had plans to get other areas organized, but that's not going to happen now.
--- We got a puppy 3 days before I quit and I didn't realize how much work she would need. I didn't want her in the crate all the time either.
--- I feel like quitting my job will force me look into school and actually go to school. Working had become an excuse for me and Steve makes more than enough to support us.
--- I want to be a photographer and a stay at home mom. I just started the stay at home part early...
--- And finally, I freaking hate retail!

Doctor Appointment

Sorry it's been so long. I've been meaning to write this for awhile, but then I had an appointment scheduled for Tuesday and decided I would wait until after that. Well then I got sick and didn't have the energy to even sit here and type this.

This is your warning. The next paragraph will probably be TMI. Sorry. You may skip it and not miss anything. It's technical stuff for me to remember.

I've been on Depo Provera for 2.5 years. During the first 3 months I had 1 period and then the rest of the time I had slight spotting here and there. I had my last shot at the end of February so it was in effect until the end of May. I have not had my period since going off of it. I went to the doctor for my well woman check, but also to discuss this. She immediately tried to leave, and when I stopped her to talk to her, she had one foot out the door the entire time. Pissed me off. But she won't even do anything until it's been 6 months without a period (it's been 4 currently). At 6 months, she will put me on a birth control pill for 3-6 months and that is supposed to get things started again. And that is what I don't get. Why can't she put me on it now? I could wait another 3 months. I don't think I'll be able to get pregnant anytime soon because I'm not ovulating... but

We are going to stop trying to prevent a pregnancy next month. The methotrexate for my psoriasis will be out of my system for the full 3 months as of November 1st. So it would be safe for me to get pregnant.

And speaking of my psoriasis, my skin is doing pretty good without the medication, but my scalp has just exploded with it! It's driving me crazy! So I need to make an appointment with a dermatologist and maybe get another $400 bottle of shampoo. Yay for tricare! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Raja is gone. I'm super upset and relieved at the same time. I'll just say that she was a very sick puppy. 

And maybe we're not ready for a puppy and it just wasn't meant to be? 

Goodbye sweet Raja.

Monday, September 24, 2012


My blog is going private October 1st. Send me your emails on Facebook, or text it to me so you can continue reading my boring life. :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Baby stuff on pinterest

Yeah, I've been pinning a lot of baby stuff haha. It's because it will be safe to start trying in 6 weeks if we want to and there's just so many awesome things out there (from photo ops, to nurseries, to practical advice). We might just stop trying to prevent a pregnancy at that point and whatever happens, happens. I don't know.

I feel like we are still teenagers and that it's crazy to even be thinking about this stuff. It's hard seeing myself as a mom or Steve as a dad, but at the same time... I can totally see it. It will be fun to watch Steve turn into a dad, too, I think.

I feel like we're ready because Steve obviously has a stable job with the Air Force with some of the best insurance. I could quit my job and we'd still be able to pay all our bills and put money into savings. At this point, I really would have to quit because day care costs what I make each week. Stupid retail. Why spend time away from my baby if it evens out? Maybe to socialize at work? I don't know. But I'm already considering quitting anyway because we call the police so much at my store (for perverts, pedophiles and of course theft). But I also really want to focus on my dreams of getting a degree in business, really learning photography and photoshop and of course, getting a nice camera.

So I feel like we're not ready because I want to get started on classes. There are big purchases we still want to make, and I feel like a baby would take those things away.

However, my parents are 4 hours away. My grandparents and aunt 12. One of my cousins, 2 hours. When the day comes, I call my dad to tell him I'm heading to the hospital and he can be here in a snap! I don't want him (or anyone, but Steve) in the room during delivery, but I want him to be the first person let in and able to hold him/her. Having a baby now before Steve gets orders somewhere else, will give me the best support during my pregnancy, and first few years.

And you know that whole ticking thing with the biological clock!

Puppy for Christmas!

Steve is letting me get a puppy for Christmas! Hooray! I'm going to start looking next month though, because I know it takes a while to find the perfect one! But there's a puppy somewhere that is about to be born who already has a forever home. I can't wait to meet her!

Jasmine doesn't know it yet, but she will have a play buddy soon and will hopefully get worn out during the day and leave me alone at 3 am, 4 am and 5 am.

She is frustrating me though. I have to keep our spare bedroom door shut because she's pooped in there twice and peed once. Now that she doesn't have access, I discovered last night she's been peeing on the spare bathroom rug. No pooping outside her box though! Although, I think I'd rather have that because it doesn't soak into the carpet the way pee does. I don't know what to do about it! I keep her litter box clean so I don't know what her problem is!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Quarter of a century!

Happy birthday to me! I'm 25!

24 was hard. I'm looking forward to 25 being a lot calmer, and a lot brighter. My family is close by. I'm praying and hoping my husband doesn't get sent anywhere, though. I plan on getting pregnant before I'm 26, too, but that's still months away. 25 will be interesting for sure.

I'm looking forward to the warmest winter of my life so far. People at work were talking about how they can't drive in snow... I don't like it, but I can do it. I will always make Steve do it if we're together, but I can get myself somewhere if necessary. 

I can't believe I'm 25 though. It's crazy! 25 years seems like such a long time, and yet I'll most likely wonder where the time went when I'm 50.

Hope you all are having a great holiday weekend!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Wet ceiling, it's my thing

Remember when I posted about our swamp cooler/ceiling leaking in our last apartment? Remember how it was an ongoing issue? Remember how much I hated it? Remember how grateful I was that nothing important was underneath that leak?

I came home from work today to the sound of *splat* ... *splat* ... *splat*

I went to investigate the sound...

There's one of these in every room. There's a great big puddle on my carpet. I tried soaking it up, it didn't work too well. You would think the sprinkler and/or pipe would be the cause...

He said the sprinkler itself was dry, so he cut a big hole in the ceiling. (I snuck in some pics just for you when he went to get more stuff from his truck)

The pipes were dry, but the water was coming from the right. So then he got maintenance and they went upstairs. Their A/C units condensation line got clogged, as well as their secondary line, and so it filled with TONS of water and over flowed onto my ceiling. 

They left a mess on my floor overnight and so poor Jasmine had to be locked away in the spare bedroom so she didn't try to eat the stuff. (She would. She's THAT dumb.) First pic is the mess he made cutting into the ceiling. Second pic is the stuff he left behind that I didn't want her getting into.

Thankfully, it's not over any where that our stuff will be - if it ever arrives - because I don't want to worry about water dripping on my couch, or TV or bed or anything else really. So let's hope it's fixed for good and nothing else leaks.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Love

"Did you write that? That's beautiful!!!" I was slightly offended, but it was sweet haha.

The way you answered the door.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Baby Promises

(No I'm not pregnant and no, we're not trying)

I promise to throw you into anything and everything until you find your passion. Once you find your passion, we will do everything we can to fuel that fire in you.

Monday, August 20, 2012

I've wasted about $600. Just thrown it right out the window. It sucks. Let me tell you how it happened...

Steve's recruiter said tricare enrollment was not automatic and he would have to sign us up. I was sent a pamphlet explaining the different options, as well as a letter saying enrollment was not automatic. During boot camp, there was no way Steve was going to have enough time to actually get ahold of tricare and set it all up during the few minutes he was given a phone each week. Plus, those few minutes were precious to us and our relationship. So we kept my benefits until he could get to tech school and have time to do it.

He gets to tech school and calls them to enroll us. We are already enrolled - since his first day of boot camp - automatically. What!? So I immediately call my HR to cancel. We've wasted $600 by having double coverage for no reason. They won't let me cancel because I didn't do it within 30 days of changing coverage. Like I said, we didn't know we were covered.

I don't think it's right or legal to force someone to keep benefits, to make them pay for something they don't want or need. I may be wrong about the legal part, but I still don't think it's right. So the only solution I'm given is to separate from the system, leave the company instead of transferring, and do a rehire instead here in my new state. Fine. Done.

Got my paycheck on Friday, and what do I see? Medical taken out! Grrrrr... Fuming all weekend because I felt lied to. I didn't know what was going on with it, and couldn't do anything about it (if anything) until today.

I called today. What she "thinks" happened is this... I wasn't separated from the system the day of my last work day (a Saturday), but on the following Monday and so it was charging me for those 2 days. She says I should have only been charged for a partial and not the full week, and that I should be reimbursed (after she emails them) for the rest. And that this coming Friday, should not have medical taken out. Heads are gonna roll if medical is taken out. I don't like wasting that much money every week.

I understand not being able to enroll in benefits or change plans whenever the heck you want (like it is with all companies), but you should be allowed to drop them whenever.

So to anyone joining the Air Force, enrollment is automatic. Let's make that clear. You the veteran, get full coverage immediately, your dependents get coverage under standard. Enrollment in Prime and such is not automatic, but the Standard coverage is. Standard is crap, but it's still coverage, just be sure to up your coverage as soon as you can.

And to anyone reading this, if you know where I work, please do not say it. I'm not trying to get my company in trouble or get in trouble myself. Just venting my frustration. Thanks. :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Updates coming soon... promise!

Monday Love

Thank you for taking care of me all day yesterday and a little this morning.

I haven't been this sick in a very long time and I really appreciate it. I love you.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Love

After a bad day, you went to the store and got that much needed item for me. Thank you.

You've put together the new things we've bought, and even though we don't have hardly any of our stuff, it's starting to feel like home already.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday Love

You got me Peanut Butter Cup Perfection from Coldstone.

You did the laundry.

You were actively involved with my friends on Sunday.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday Love

I love you because you're already excited even though it's still another year off.

You don't want to do anything except spend time with me when you get home (which is this Saturday)! Hooray!

Friday, June 29, 2012


Steve:    instead of a hand gun i want to look into a
             hunting rifle
             the mountains of north carolina have food
Me:       so do the grocery stores...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

North Carolina

In case you haven't heard, we are moving to North Carolina. We will be 3 hours from the beach, but more importantly 4.5 hours from my parents. It makes me so super excited! I can go home for Thanksgiving, Christmas, my sister's recitals... and just whenever really. My sister can come visit me too during school breaks. I wanted Virginia, but this was on our dream list as well because it was close to my parents!

I'm not looking forward to the humidity... or getting to know a new city... making new friends... etc. I have some amazing friends that I have met through work and since Steve has been gone, I've been hanging out with them a lot. And it makes me sad. Sad that we didn't start hanging out sooner, and sad because I'm leaving them. But I have a reason to come back now.

I think Utah will remain on our dream list, because I really do like it here and wouldn't mind coming back.

As far as work goes, my last official day is this coming Saturday. I was told to go to NC, look at the store there and decide if I want to continue with the company. If I do, my current boss will call them and give me a "glowing recommendation." His words, not mine haha. Although, if they don't have any positions then I'm out of luck. If they don't, maybe they'll rehire me when they start hiring seasonally. Until we leave though, I'll sort of be on call. If someone calls out, I told them they could call me.

So when do we leave? I'm not sure. If he gets to stay and help his recruiter... we'll leave around the 26th of July. If he doesn't, then the latest we can leave is the 18th.

He still does not have his orders. This means we can't schedule the movers. Steve will be home in less than 3 weeks, and we'll be out of here in 4 or 5. I hate doing things last minute.

It sucks. I'm frustrated. I just want it to be over with, have a nice apartment and be settled in. And then go visit my parents for my birthday. :)

Monday Love

You love me soooooooo much. More than I feel I deserve. Thank you.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

It's a hard knock life

Hey everybody, It's Steve. I figured an update would be appropriate about now.

It's so hard to be away from loved ones. As many of you may or may not know im at Tech School for the USAF right now.

There's a very old saying that you don't know what you've got until it's gone. That saying is an eternal truth. BMT was the hardest thing i've ever done as it marked the longest i've ever been without Jessica before. BMT and Tech school together however, will not be the longest. Being in the Air Force we have come to accept the fact that I will be deployed.

Deployments are 6 months and can happen once every 8 months. That means that over the course of my 6 year job in the USAF I can be deployed 5 times. That's a ton of time away from the one you love. That's 30 months, almost 3 years of your life away from your significant other. And that doesn't include if I re-enlist or not due to benefits/money.

This is so hard.

However I think all of the down sides are worth it. Not just the money and benefits, but the travelling opportunitites, the pride and honor. Not to mention how much better it will feel to just get home and see Jessica again. We just have to push through this and see how everything works out. 6 years isnt that long and even if I don't stay in alot of civiliam jobs will take me just based off my experience.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday Love

I had an awesome weekend with you and I'm so proud of you.

I hate that you don't tell the truth to other people. You did NOT want her and her family there because of what happened and because you don't like them.

You ARE upset with her for not going and even more so now that they just made a big purchase. I'm sorry. I love you. I will always be there for you in your highest moments like this weekend, and your lowest.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday Love

If you have free time, and you see a payphone close by... you're on it... talking to me. I love that you're willing to give up time to relax or have fun to stand in line and take your turn to call me.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Random Stuff

I leave in 5 days. 5! I'm so excited!!!

I've discovered I'm pretty forgetful - because I've forgotten the most important thing - what it's like to be around my husband. It's only been 8 weeks. It's pretty ridiculous.

I got part of Steve's car fixed yesterday. It took them 4 hours. They replaced the rear struts and fixed the sway bar. Luckily, I was able to go to lunch with my friend and run some errands with her. That killed 2 hours. The other 2 hours I spent reading Divergent. I would have had everything fixed on his car yesterday, but that would have taken another 3 hours. Soooo... it will wait until I come back. Fixing cars is easier when you have someone to take you to and from... like a husband. So that you can get stuff done during all that time it takes to fix the car. Or at least have someone to hang out with at the car place. *sigh*

Oh! I dyed my hair! It's beautiful! Well Chrissy dyed my hair. She did a great job. I have lots of hair, and she put up with it. :)

I also bought a 1 inch flat iron yesterday, so that I can do soft curls. It sounds contradictory to those of you who don't use it, but curling irons make the curls too tight. My other 2 inch flat iron was starting to go out anyway. 

The season finale of Vampire Diaries was last week. Yay Elena's a vampire!

The season finale of Grey's Anatomy was last night. Boooooooo! Lexi died. :'(

The House series finale is on Monday. I don't want it to end!!!

I love my coworkers. And I love that they've become friends. Kristina is taking me to the airport and Jenn will be feeding Jasmine and picking me up.

Some people say we'll find out where he's going next week (the end of basic) others say not until his first week of tech school (the week after) but who really knows? I sure don't. I just want to know where we'll be living at the end of the summer. I hope it's here. Or Virginia. But I just don't know. I really want answers soon though.

Oh, and recruiters suck by the way. So do judgmental training instructors.

I went to see the Avengers again with some girls from work. It was fun!!! I'm going to really miss them if we do move away. 

I'm so freaking excited that I can talk to my husband on a nightly basis starting next Thursday! And text him! And be a little more normal again!

Okay, I think that's all I have to update you on... See you Monday for Monday Love if you care about those haha. Really they're just for Steve... but I know most of you check my blog on Mondays. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Love

You got to call both days this weekend!!! I wish I hadn't been the only one on the floor last night though, then I could have talked to you longer.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bad Night

I had a bad night last night. I just really really miss him. I've been good for the last week or so, but last night was just bad. :(

I did get to see Alicia, and we saw The Avengers (awesome) but it was too loud to really talk when we ate, and you can't talk during a movie, of course. But hopefully we can do something else soon where we can actually converse. :)

And today is Saturday. So hopefully he'll be able to call me tonight.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend Adventures

So I've noticed for the most part you all really just look at my blog on Mondays. Probably because it's the only day I make sure to post haha. And then I randomly bombard with you a few posts. I should probably work on some sort of schedule... but eh.


Steve's parents came down to visit me one last time before we more than likely move farther away, and to buy us a couch for his graduation.

We tried 3 places I've never eaten before... Si Chuan, a Chinese restaurant - it was good food, but bad service. La Puente, a Mexican restaurant - it was delicious! And then Romano's Macaroni Grill - Olive Garden is better haha. Although the bread was super delicious.

We also went to the zoo and saw lots of monkeys. Seriously. They were cool though. :) I wish the Polar Bear exhibit had been open. I'm hoping it will be by the time Steve gets back. I want to go before we move! And he likes zoos!

Other than that, just hanging out and watching TV.

Be bombarded with pictures now. K? These are all on Instagram, too. Follow me. jessicansteve

Steve's Graduation Present

This is his BMT graduation present from his parents. Our first new, real couch - still wrapped in plastic and everything when we brought it home. (We've had couches before, but they were used from friends and family.) My parents bought us a futon about a year ago, but it has now lost it's cushioning. Yeah, after a year. It sucks. Jasmine is currently sleeping under the futon... which she never did when it was against the other wall.

Steve and I took the lining stuff off the bottom of the futon to see if we could figure out how to restuff it, but couldn't see a way. So if you have any tips on that... please tell me! It's still great and pretty, it's just not cushy anymore. But I love our new couch and can't wait for him to see it!

Monday Love

I love you for trusting me with your deepest, darkest secrets. And for keeping mine.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The in-laws are coming... with no husband here to help! Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

30 more days until I see my Steve in case any of you were wondering. :) This part is half over!!!

Only 29 days until I leave for Texas though! Woot!

A friend from work will be checking on Jasmine every day while I'm gone. No one can actually take her, so I'm just giving my key to my friend. It'll probably be a lot less stressful for her anyway. Although, she'll by SUPER lonely. That's the only thing I'm worried about. It'll be less than a week so I think she'll be fine. Hopefully, she won't hate me when I get back.

Just a warning... stay away from my work this week. Seriously. Corporate has to turn on our A/C and they have yet to do so. It's hotter inside than outside. So today is a "hair up in a ponytail" day. On a cooler note... my landlord filled my swamp cooler yesterday and so my home is now comfy again! Hooray!

Monday Love

Thank you for FINALLY taking care of the paycheck issue. Sorry you missed out on the obstacle course today.

You asked about Jasmine, too. I knew you loved her. =D

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monday Love

I just love hearing your voice. Even more so in the middle of my work day. :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Days that I'm off

I sleep til 10
Check facebook, blogs, etc,
Make sure my volume is still up on my phone
Go back to sleep
Maybe clean up the kitchen, or table, laundry if it's Sunday
Play Sudoku on my Nook while "watching TV"

Days that I work

Sleep til the last minute
Get ready for work
Go to work
Check my volume again
Play with my kitty
Check Facebook, blogs, etc
Watch TV

I don't want to do this. He doesn't want to do this last we spoke. So why are we forcing it? I keep thinking maybe we just need to get used it. Maybe it will be better next time. But I know it won't be. Then I think, maybe it's just because we're completely cut off from each other. If he leaves again for a TDY we can talk every night. If he leaves for a deployment, technology is better than it used to be and we should at least be able to talk more now even if it's through email. Neither of us know if we should wait it out, and or if we should try to get out of it now. I just wish we knew which path to go down, but we just don't know. We don't know if we're just being dumb, or if it means we need to try something else. I just don't know!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Freaking cars!

Both of my cars are broken right now. Both. BOTH!

My car... well I still haven't put a new tailpipe on it. But now, when I am turning, I feel clicking under my foot! I'm afraid my steering will go out! So it's not getting driven until I can afford to take it somewhere and have them look at it.

His car... is leaking oil like crazy!!! And the driver's window is half way off its track so I can't use it.

Someone, either at MEPS here in SLC, or at the base in Texas lost our direct deposit paper. He had it in with all the other paperwork he needed when he left the apartment and someone lost it. Today, I received his debit card to a new account and a new bank that he sent me, but I can't activate it because I don't have the whole thing. When I talked to him on Saturday, he said he forgot to send half of it, and I'm guessing that other half has what I need.

There's no money in the account yet, but I was hoping to get the cars fixed next Tuesday after he gets paid. I get paid tomorrow, so I hope I can afford to at least get one of them fixed. It's so frustrating that the cars broke after he left. And that all the bugs attack after he leaves. So far, there have been 2 spiders, and 3 flies. Chrissy killed one spider, Abigail killed a fly, Jasmine ate a fly, I drowned and turned the garbage disposal on a fly and squished the other spider.

I need my knight on a white horse to come home! :'(

Spring Break

What is that again? Oh, right. Time off from all responsibility. That would be nice right about now.

Abigail came to visit for her spring break. She arrived on Saturday the 31st and the lovely Denae accompanied me to the airport to pick her up. She got to meet Jasmine and loved her. But who doesn't? Besides non-cat people that is. :) Abigail arrived a few minutes early but was stuck on the plane for 25 minutes while they arrested someone and took his kids. The three of us then went to Burger Bar (a local walk-up restaurant type place) so that Abigail could get her beloved shake.

During Abigail's stay, we saw the Hunger Games (which she loved without reading the books), colored Easter eggs, watched movies and spongebob haha! and went swimming. We went window shopping with Charlotte at the new City Creek mall down in Salt Lake City. Charlotte bought a few things from a normal priced store (which there are very few of) because the mall is very high end. We found a men's argyle sweater that looked nice until we saw it was 200 bucks! Ouch. Walk the other way. We oogled the diamonds at Tiffany's and sat by the fountains for a little bit.

Once we got back, Charlotte had stuff to do and Abigail and I decided to go on the hunt for a graduation dress for me. Abigail wasn't in the best mood at City Creek because there were too many people. It wasn't as much fun, but she perked back up when we went out to the normal mall and some other stores. When we found the dress I wanted, we talked our dad into buying it for me. :) He's so generous. He also changed her plane ticket that day. She was supposed to leave that night at 1AM but let her stay another day and a half! I really love him! I needed my sister.

Anyway, as we were shopping, her phone started restarting and did it continually for about an hour. Finally, I decided to give her my old phone. We had our parents passcode and everything but couldn't get my phone to program to their account. We went to a verizon kiosk in the mall. They were no help. So then we decided to actually go to the verizon store and we finally got it set up. Yay for people who know what they're doing!

On her last day, we walked to an ice cream shop called Subzero. It's really cool. You pick your base (ice cream, yogurt, soy, custard or some rice mix) then you pick as many flavors as you want from about 30 choices (I did brownies and cheesecake) and then they mix it, and instantly freeze it with a nitrogen machine! Then you pick your mix ins and done! It was delicious and I highly recommend it if you have one near you!

It was nice to spend so much time with my sister and to have company the first week my husband was gone.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday Love

You're so open and honest with me and I love it! And you more for it. I miss you!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Love

I love you for thinking I'm stronger than I'm feeling.

I wish you would call.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Brian is home!

He got out of the hospital on Monday. Hooray! He is still on oxygen, and not allowed to work for at least a week. I'm just so happy he's on the mend. I hope he stays healthy and lives to a ripe old age! The last 7 days have been stressful with him going into the hospital and Steve leaving. No more bad things please!

Flying Kites

Today, Chrissy and I flew kites with Catrina and her kids. We got the kites in the air a few times, but it wasn't really windy enough. Those kids were determined though! They played on the playground at the park, and then we all went to a friend of Cat's to feed their llamas.

I enjoyed spending time with them. It was a lot of fun, and I wasn't sad!

Cat had to do parent teacher conferences so Chrissy came over and ate dinner with me. Lasagna! Yum! And we talked more while watching MIB. She got to meet my crazy kitty, too.

Steve called to give me his address and tell me he loves me. That's it. I didn't get to ask him any questions! He did sound annoyed though. Hopefully, I'll get a date for his graduation the next time he calls, and find out how he is doing. I hope it's soon.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Steve went through MEPS this morning around 6 and finished at 12:30. He flew out at 1:51PM Mountain Time, and arrived in Texas at 5:30 Central Time.

I miss him like crazy. I might just be the biggest baby in the world with how much I've been crying, but I really don't care. He's one of the few things I get emotional about. I love him with all of me and so it's really hard for me with him being gone. I hate when people say it could be worse. Well obviously it could ALWAYS be worse. Telling me that doesn't make the situation I am currently in any better. I realize how lucky I am that it's only 15 weeks this time around, and that I get to see him very briefly in the middle of it. But he's still gone. After 6 years of being together every night, he's freaking gone. And it's hard. And I don't care if it could be worse. I realize that. But I still miss him, and I'm still miserable right now.

Give me tips, give me advice, but don't tell me how lucky I am. I don't feel lucky right now.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Love

You leave today. I'm very sad and heartbroken. But I'm also proud of you and I know you will do well. I really hope and wish that these next 8 1/2 weeks fly by for both of us. Once it's out of the way, I really think the 6 weeks of tech school will go even faster. Still, I wish you could stay home and I could fall asleep in your arms every night like I have for the last 6 years. I just love you and all that you are and I can't wait to see you again.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Baby talk

I've been on the birth control shot Depo Provera for about 2 years now. I have loved loved loved being on it! I haven't had a "time of the month" since I started it 2 years ago! It's been amazing! But I got my last shot in February. We're going to start trying to get pregnant in the Fall when we're settled wherever we go. This plan may change if we get sent overseas. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of having my child in another country, even if it is on a base.

While Steve is gone, I will be letting my body get back to its normal, natural state. I'm also on Methotrexate to manage my Psoriasis. I plan on stopping that in June. It's recommended you're off of it for 3 months before trying to get pregnant as it is known to cause birth defects. Which means I get to look like a freak until and throughout my pregnancy! Woo! <-- sarcasm.

I'm hoping I do get pregnant right away, but things never go my way so who knows. I really just wanted to document this and let our future child know when he/she started being planned. Of course, we've been thinking about this for about 6 months, but only seriously since December when we got a date for Steve to go to basic.

For the record, our child will be an only child. I'm already thinking about what to do after to prevent another pregnancy. There are a lot of options.

If it takes longer than 5 years, we're not having a child.

We already have a boy name picked, but I'm REALLY hoping for a girl.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Prayers, please?

My step-dad Brian is really sick. He went into the hospital yesterday after some breathing problems and a heart attack.

He has Influenza A and Pneumonia.  They're testing for swine flu. He had some kidney problems yesterday, but they seem to be better today.

His heart and breathing stopped for a minute last night, and he's now on a respirator in the ICU.

Please pray for him to recover quickly and to make the life changes he needs to make. Thank you.

I love you Brian.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monday Love

You taught me how airplanes work while we were playing in the pool by using me as the prop. It made me dizzy but it was fun!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monday Love

On Tuesday... again. Yes, I do know I missed last week... so here's two!

You've always given me security. Even when things have been super tight, we've always pulled through somehow all because you're willing to work so hard. Thank you.

When Jasmine started banging the cabinet doors last night, you got up to make her stop and put a block in front of it so I didn't have to do it.


Steve actually leaves on the 27th. Not the 22nd. He doesn't know how to read his recruiter's handwriting. So I get a few extra days with him. :)

However, this sets back his graduation date, too. My best friend and maid of honor is getting married May 25th, and my best friend from middle/high school is getting married May 26th. Although I don't have an exact day for Steve's basic graduation, 8.5 weeks from March 27th puts it on the same weekend. I fear I'll be missing their weddings. Guess we'll have to wait and see...
I have 4 actual followers that I can see. It says 5, but one of them is a double... Piper... haha. And yet... I get a ton of views daily (almost 1,000 in less time than it takes to make a baby). Either A.) You 4 have no life and are constantly checking my blog or B.) (The more likely of the two) I have many unknown followers. In which case... make yourself known!!! I want to know who the heck is reading this. Send me a message on facebook, leave an anonymous comment with a hint that only I would know... something! Come on!

In other news, our Regional VP is in town, and I'm glad to have the day off. :) My managers seem to make me go through an interview type process almost every time they introduce me to corporate, making me talk myself up and all that to them.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday Love

I love you because you take out the trash every time it needs to be taken out. It's the little things. :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012


We lit a candle and placed it on the coffee table. Jasmine walked by and paused with her tail in front of it. I pushed her along with my foot and told her to be careful or she'll burn her tail.

She plops down about 2 feet away. 30 seconds later Steve and I smell burned fur, look at each other, then at her and she starts smelling the air towards her butt.

Her expression was so funny, we both burst out laughing. I still don't think she knows she singed her tail.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


I had the weirdest dreams last night.

1. My cousin Justina read my blog.

2. The toenail on my big toe could detach from my skin like a door with hinges. I freaked out and tried wrapping a bandaid around it in the hopes of it reattaching completely over time.

No idea where either of those came from.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Love

I love you for believing in me and supporting me in everything I do.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Another waiting game

My husband is leaving me in 34 days. Some days I want to just ship him off already - sometimes because he's really getting on my nerves, but mostly I just want to figure out my new routine and get it over with. We do everything together and I do mean everything. It's going to be super lonely and I'm a little afraid I might get depressed. I get along great with everyone at work, but they all have their own lives. And so, I'm very grateful to have a job and work 5 days per week. I may never leave home otherwise.

He leaves March 22nd. My sister will arrive the first week of April for a few days. I'll really need her! And then at the end of May... I'll go see him for his graduation. I'm so excited my daddy will be there, too! I would get lost in San Antonio without him, but I really miss him! It's just a bunch of waiting games ahead.

I HATE waiting games.

Waiting for Steve to leave
Waiting for my sister to arrive
Waiting to see my daddy
Waiting to see Steve again
Waiting to find out where we're moving
Waiting for Steve to come home in July.

Too much waiting!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday Love

I know I'm late, but hey it's Valentine's day so it is the perfect time! I love you for agreeing to see The Vow with me. I love you even more for actually truly enjoying it.

Thanks for letting me get expensive popcorn too!

Channing Tatum is your mancrush. I think he's a good choice. :)

Friday, February 10, 2012


It's a photography project started in the fall by a nineteen year old college student. It's similar to post secret, but this is specifically for victims of sexual abuse, sexual assault, rape, etc.

I think it's an amazing project to get people talking, but more importantly, to start healing. I'm excited to see where it goes and how many people it helps.

Just a warning, it can be hard to read, but I'm proud of all the men and women taking part in it.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Adult Choices.

This is Steve again.

So I've finally made my choices as to whom I want to come to my BMT graduation. Somebody is upset because I didn't invite a person that they wanted me to invite. Well guess what? Too bad! Sorry to be so cold but that's how it plays out. The person they want invited is nothing more to me than an acquaintance who brought very bad people into our lives and then somehow Jessica got blamed for it.

I believe I made a post previously about actions and reactions. I fully understand the potential consequences of my choice. But damn it it's my choice to make, for my reasons. Somehow there are still people out there who think I am not allowed to have opinions or make choices. Like I haven't earned the right to make them yet. As if I didn't vote for a President, as if I haven't independent for years now, as if I haven't given the oath to risk my life for this country.

All I can say is it's high time that i'm recognized as an adult. I will not be pushed around by family any more.

That is all.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We were counting on using our tax return to buy my plane ticket to go to Texas for Steve's basic graduation. We've always gotten money back. Almost $700 last year and around that every year before... this year... we made too much money together, and we owe $200. It seems to me, they already took too much. So I'm slightly upset, and WAY stressed now.

I'll be fine with rent, and all of our other bills while he is gone, I just don't know how I'm going to do this plane ticket on my own. I'm damn determined though. As an absolute last resort, I'll ask my dad to help but I'm basically refusing to go that route. And so every single penny is going to be like gold around here for the next 3 or so months.

Not only does our extra money for the month of February go to paying taxes, but my tail pipe magically fell off my muffler. I know within what 48 hour period it was, I just don't know where or how. It scared the crap out of me that my car was suddenly so loud, I was afraid it was going to blow up or something haha. Then a few days later I noticed what was so off about the back of my car. No tail pipe peeking out.

I'm pretty sure I can do it though. April alone looks like this in savings:

$200 saved from cancelling medical insurance through my work
$100 saved from not buying gas for Steve's car
$150-$200 saved from my grocery bill being cut in half
Other small various things too

That right there covers the cost of the plane ticket. I plan on buying it the first week of May since he'll be graduating at the end of May. Then I'm hoping to either stay with my aunt that lives there, or in the hotel with my dad.

Basically.... as long as NOTHING goes wrong... I can do it. I'm stressed because SOMETHING always goes wrong. Like, how does a tail pipe fall off?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012


I just purged my bathroom of all the products I no longer use. It's so clean and clutter free now!