Friday, February 17, 2012

Another waiting game

My husband is leaving me in 34 days. Some days I want to just ship him off already - sometimes because he's really getting on my nerves, but mostly I just want to figure out my new routine and get it over with. We do everything together and I do mean everything. It's going to be super lonely and I'm a little afraid I might get depressed. I get along great with everyone at work, but they all have their own lives. And so, I'm very grateful to have a job and work 5 days per week. I may never leave home otherwise.

He leaves March 22nd. My sister will arrive the first week of April for a few days. I'll really need her! And then at the end of May... I'll go see him for his graduation. I'm so excited my daddy will be there, too! I would get lost in San Antonio without him, but I really miss him! It's just a bunch of waiting games ahead.

I HATE waiting games.

Waiting for Steve to leave
Waiting for my sister to arrive
Waiting to see my daddy
Waiting to see Steve again
Waiting to find out where we're moving
Waiting for Steve to come home in July.

Too much waiting!