Thursday, March 29, 2012

Brian is home!

He got out of the hospital on Monday. Hooray! He is still on oxygen, and not allowed to work for at least a week. I'm just so happy he's on the mend. I hope he stays healthy and lives to a ripe old age! The last 7 days have been stressful with him going into the hospital and Steve leaving. No more bad things please!

Flying Kites

Today, Chrissy and I flew kites with Catrina and her kids. We got the kites in the air a few times, but it wasn't really windy enough. Those kids were determined though! They played on the playground at the park, and then we all went to a friend of Cat's to feed their llamas.

I enjoyed spending time with them. It was a lot of fun, and I wasn't sad!

Cat had to do parent teacher conferences so Chrissy came over and ate dinner with me. Lasagna! Yum! And we talked more while watching MIB. She got to meet my crazy kitty, too.

Steve called to give me his address and tell me he loves me. That's it. I didn't get to ask him any questions! He did sound annoyed though. Hopefully, I'll get a date for his graduation the next time he calls, and find out how he is doing. I hope it's soon.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Steve went through MEPS this morning around 6 and finished at 12:30. He flew out at 1:51PM Mountain Time, and arrived in Texas at 5:30 Central Time.

I miss him like crazy. I might just be the biggest baby in the world with how much I've been crying, but I really don't care. He's one of the few things I get emotional about. I love him with all of me and so it's really hard for me with him being gone. I hate when people say it could be worse. Well obviously it could ALWAYS be worse. Telling me that doesn't make the situation I am currently in any better. I realize how lucky I am that it's only 15 weeks this time around, and that I get to see him very briefly in the middle of it. But he's still gone. After 6 years of being together every night, he's freaking gone. And it's hard. And I don't care if it could be worse. I realize that. But I still miss him, and I'm still miserable right now.

Give me tips, give me advice, but don't tell me how lucky I am. I don't feel lucky right now.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Love

You leave today. I'm very sad and heartbroken. But I'm also proud of you and I know you will do well. I really hope and wish that these next 8 1/2 weeks fly by for both of us. Once it's out of the way, I really think the 6 weeks of tech school will go even faster. Still, I wish you could stay home and I could fall asleep in your arms every night like I have for the last 6 years. I just love you and all that you are and I can't wait to see you again.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Baby talk

I've been on the birth control shot Depo Provera for about 2 years now. I have loved loved loved being on it! I haven't had a "time of the month" since I started it 2 years ago! It's been amazing! But I got my last shot in February. We're going to start trying to get pregnant in the Fall when we're settled wherever we go. This plan may change if we get sent overseas. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of having my child in another country, even if it is on a base.

While Steve is gone, I will be letting my body get back to its normal, natural state. I'm also on Methotrexate to manage my Psoriasis. I plan on stopping that in June. It's recommended you're off of it for 3 months before trying to get pregnant as it is known to cause birth defects. Which means I get to look like a freak until and throughout my pregnancy! Woo! <-- sarcasm.

I'm hoping I do get pregnant right away, but things never go my way so who knows. I really just wanted to document this and let our future child know when he/she started being planned. Of course, we've been thinking about this for about 6 months, but only seriously since December when we got a date for Steve to go to basic.

For the record, our child will be an only child. I'm already thinking about what to do after to prevent another pregnancy. There are a lot of options.

If it takes longer than 5 years, we're not having a child.

We already have a boy name picked, but I'm REALLY hoping for a girl.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Prayers, please?

My step-dad Brian is really sick. He went into the hospital yesterday after some breathing problems and a heart attack.

He has Influenza A and Pneumonia.  They're testing for swine flu. He had some kidney problems yesterday, but they seem to be better today.

His heart and breathing stopped for a minute last night, and he's now on a respirator in the ICU.

Please pray for him to recover quickly and to make the life changes he needs to make. Thank you.

I love you Brian.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monday Love

You taught me how airplanes work while we were playing in the pool by using me as the prop. It made me dizzy but it was fun!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Monday Love

On Tuesday... again. Yes, I do know I missed last week... so here's two!

You've always given me security. Even when things have been super tight, we've always pulled through somehow all because you're willing to work so hard. Thank you.

When Jasmine started banging the cabinet doors last night, you got up to make her stop and put a block in front of it so I didn't have to do it.


Steve actually leaves on the 27th. Not the 22nd. He doesn't know how to read his recruiter's handwriting. So I get a few extra days with him. :)

However, this sets back his graduation date, too. My best friend and maid of honor is getting married May 25th, and my best friend from middle/high school is getting married May 26th. Although I don't have an exact day for Steve's basic graduation, 8.5 weeks from March 27th puts it on the same weekend. I fear I'll be missing their weddings. Guess we'll have to wait and see...
I have 4 actual followers that I can see. It says 5, but one of them is a double... Piper... haha. And yet... I get a ton of views daily (almost 1,000 in less time than it takes to make a baby). Either A.) You 4 have no life and are constantly checking my blog or B.) (The more likely of the two) I have many unknown followers. In which case... make yourself known!!! I want to know who the heck is reading this. Send me a message on facebook, leave an anonymous comment with a hint that only I would know... something! Come on!

In other news, our Regional VP is in town, and I'm glad to have the day off. :) My managers seem to make me go through an interview type process almost every time they introduce me to corporate, making me talk myself up and all that to them.