Thursday, May 27, 2010

Oh, I’m going to miss my bed

My friend NB left today to go to Mississippi for her son's graduation, and asked Steve and I to house sit. She has a 5 month puppy and a 5 month kitty, so that's the reason we have to stay at her house. She should be getting back on Monday or Tuesday. I hope Monday, just so I can sleep in my own bed again before getting my wisdom teeth out!

You never realize how much stuff you really use until you go across town to live for a week. If I was on vacation I wouldn't need this much stuff, but we both will be working so we need more stuff than usual. Pain in the butt.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Shopping and Moving

Today, we got up and immediately went out shopping. I had been looking at stuff online because the stores around here are usually out or simply don't carry the things I like. It seems like the cuter clothes are reserved for the bigger, better states and South Dakota is not one of them. :( I did find one that I saw online, but it ended up not looking all that great because I have hips.


See? Those blue flower looking things ruined it.

I did find other cute tops that I didn't find online, so yay!

I put some manga books up for sale on ebay. I told Steve not to buy them, but he didn't listen. He ended up not liking them. 7 books into one series and 6 into another. These two series are uber expensive and he's lucky we used my discount on them when I still had the best job ever.

Our lease is up the first week of July so we're moving all our stuff into storage in about 6 weeks. We could renew our lease for another six months, but that really won't work for us since we are moving out of state at the end of August.

We were going to move to Ohio to be closer to my family, but the unemployment rate is just too high (crime rate too) and while I could certainly transfer and he can go to work at home, he wants to find another job. After talking to my dad, we have a few ideas for Steve's career when we get to our destination. Of course, Steve will still do the work at home until he can get hired elsewhere, but we know there will be better opportunities where we are going.

I don't want to say where we are going because I don't want to get certain people excited just to let them down if things don't go as planned. That seems to happen a lot with me. I make plans, tell people my plans, and then disappoint them because I end up not being able to follow through - usually because of finances. I did it to my parents, first with Christmas, then with Easter. I've also done it the last two summers with promising to go see my step-dad in Montana (which really is happening this time, I might add) and then telling miss CC I was coming back to Utah, and the most recent, telling my grandparents we were moving to Ohio.

For the remainder of the day, I will be going through our things and putting them either on ebay, in a box for a garage sale or in the trash. Have a wonderful day!

Monday, May 17, 2010

I did it!

I made a plan for us to be able to have enough money for our trip in a couple weeks and it worked!

I'm pretty bad with money, and we always end up not having any for extra stuff like trips. So yay me!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sweet vacation, hurry up please!

Steve and I are taking a road trip to Montana. I'm so excited. We haven't been anywhere since shortly before we were married, which was 20 months ago!!!

I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth out on June 1st. That's only 3 weeks away! :( I'm nervous about 2 things.

#1: IV. I have good veins, but I've never had an IV and I hear that they hurt.

#2: The healing time. I don't want to be in pain for a week, or get an infection or dry socket. :/

Now that I think about it, I'll probably be swollen and my pictures will turn out horrible. *sigh*

We're leaving on June 3rd. Probably not the best idea to go right after getting my wisdom teeth out, but I am determined to have a good vacation. It's all about your attitude, right? Right. Besides, Steve loves to drive and I can be drugged up all the way there if I want. :)

We're going to first see my step-dad and family. I haven't seen him in about 4 years now, and if we're moving east, it'll probably be awhile until I do see him again so that's one reason I really want to do it now. After that, we'll be going to another city see my BFF SH and her new baby. He's pretty cute from the pictures I've seen. He's one month old as of yesterday.


We'll also be seeing and staying with BT, who just so happens to be Steve's best friend. I plan on letting them run around and paintball and play xbox, because I'm awesome like that. I'm sure Steve doesn't want to sit around and listen to me and SH, or me and AM chatter away anyway.

Pray for rapid healing that goes smoothly, no complications with the IV and definitely no complications with anesthesia. It'd be just my luck to be allergic or something. I'm allergic to ibuprophen after all, and I'm told that it's extremely rare.