Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday Love

I had an awesome weekend with you and I'm so proud of you.

I hate that you don't tell the truth to other people. You did NOT want her and her family there because of what happened and because you don't like them.

You ARE upset with her for not going and even more so now that they just made a big purchase. I'm sorry. I love you. I will always be there for you in your highest moments like this weekend, and your lowest.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday Love

If you have free time, and you see a payphone close by... you're on it... talking to me. I love that you're willing to give up time to relax or have fun to stand in line and take your turn to call me.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Random Stuff

I leave in 5 days. 5! I'm so excited!!!

I've discovered I'm pretty forgetful - because I've forgotten the most important thing - what it's like to be around my husband. It's only been 8 weeks. It's pretty ridiculous.

I got part of Steve's car fixed yesterday. It took them 4 hours. They replaced the rear struts and fixed the sway bar. Luckily, I was able to go to lunch with my friend and run some errands with her. That killed 2 hours. The other 2 hours I spent reading Divergent. I would have had everything fixed on his car yesterday, but that would have taken another 3 hours. Soooo... it will wait until I come back. Fixing cars is easier when you have someone to take you to and from... like a husband. So that you can get stuff done during all that time it takes to fix the car. Or at least have someone to hang out with at the car place. *sigh*

Oh! I dyed my hair! It's beautiful! Well Chrissy dyed my hair. She did a great job. I have lots of hair, and she put up with it. :)

I also bought a 1 inch flat iron yesterday, so that I can do soft curls. It sounds contradictory to those of you who don't use it, but curling irons make the curls too tight. My other 2 inch flat iron was starting to go out anyway. 

The season finale of Vampire Diaries was last week. Yay Elena's a vampire!

The season finale of Grey's Anatomy was last night. Boooooooo! Lexi died. :'(

The House series finale is on Monday. I don't want it to end!!!

I love my coworkers. And I love that they've become friends. Kristina is taking me to the airport and Jenn will be feeding Jasmine and picking me up.

Some people say we'll find out where he's going next week (the end of basic) others say not until his first week of tech school (the week after) but who really knows? I sure don't. I just want to know where we'll be living at the end of the summer. I hope it's here. Or Virginia. But I just don't know. I really want answers soon though.

Oh, and recruiters suck by the way. So do judgmental training instructors.

I went to see the Avengers again with some girls from work. It was fun!!! I'm going to really miss them if we do move away. 

I'm so freaking excited that I can talk to my husband on a nightly basis starting next Thursday! And text him! And be a little more normal again!

Okay, I think that's all I have to update you on... See you Monday for Monday Love if you care about those haha. Really they're just for Steve... but I know most of you check my blog on Mondays. :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday Love

You got to call both days this weekend!!! I wish I hadn't been the only one on the floor last night though, then I could have talked to you longer.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bad Night

I had a bad night last night. I just really really miss him. I've been good for the last week or so, but last night was just bad. :(

I did get to see Alicia, and we saw The Avengers (awesome) but it was too loud to really talk when we ate, and you can't talk during a movie, of course. But hopefully we can do something else soon where we can actually converse. :)

And today is Saturday. So hopefully he'll be able to call me tonight.