Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm awesome x2

I'm a good worker. I've been pretty bitchy lately towards customers though.

Apparently, I'm still doing something right because I got two praises this week.

#1. Lady came up to customer service super annoyed that we didn't have a book that she saw mentioned in three different magazines up front on display. She couldn't remember what it was called. She didn't know who the author was. She told me the cover was yellow, and that it was a fiction book for gamers. That if you were a gamer you would find all the references in the story funny. She wanted to get it for her son. That seriously gives me NOTHING to go on. I told her I hadn't heard of it and she started to walk away while getting ready to text or call someone. I told her I would keep looking and asked her what magazine she read it in. She stood nearby trying to contact whoever while I pulled up the magazine's website. After a few minutes I found what I thought it might be and she said that was it and asked if I had it. I did. It was in the back room ready to go for a display next week. The cover was not yellow. It was red with orange writing. Anyway, she told the cashier how super helpful I was when she was so vague and was singing my praises. My manager talked to me about it later. :)

#2. Lady called to ask me to change her order for a program we're doing right now, but she wanted a book that our warehouses were super low on. When they get super low on a high demand title, they stop letting us order it. So I told her I couldn't get that one and asked if she wanted anything else instead of what she ordered. She didn't. We hung up. I checked on it again later and the publisher had sent the warehouses more so it was available again. Her name was super easy to remember so I looked her up, ordered the one she wanted and called her to inform her and ended up leaving a message. She called back later to thank me and cancel the original while keeping the new one I had placed. I couldn't cancel the original without her permission. She then asked to talk to my manager and he later came to tell me about it and what a good job I was doing.

Go me! Now I kind of feel bad for being in such a bad mood with the others. If they would just learn to watch their children! That's all I ask! Being appreciated has put me in a better mood with them though. :)

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