Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Lease

We renewed our lease yesterday for another 12 months and got $250 off of our rent for January. That will help with saving for when Steve leaves. Why 12 months when we are leaving in 6? Because they have a military clause that lets us get out of our lease with no penalty fees. We also have no idea if we'll get UT as Steve's first base. It could happen.

We're trying to save up a month's worth of Steve's pay before he leaves so that we don't have to worry about bills. He will get paid during basic, but some of that goes to his uniform and other stuff and so we won't actually get all of it. We're not sure how much we will get, and we just want to be prepared.

I'm hoping we get a few hundred back in taxes, too. At this point, I'd rather give the government more during the year and get a large check at the end of the year rather than the other way around. We're horrible savers, so it doesn't make sense for us haha. Once we figure out how to save and invest, we'd want more money during the year and less at the end.

Steve's car is almost paid off. We're looking for a new internet provider because we are paying way too much. As soon as he leaves, I'll be cancelling our medical insurance from my work. We'll be saving $100 just in gas from his car every month. My grocery bill will be cut in half.

I know we'll be alright, but I have a routine right now for getting all of our bills paid and my routine is going to be interrupted and need to be reorganized. I just wish I could figure it out now, but I'll just have to wait until that time comes.