Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekend Adventures

So I've noticed for the most part you all really just look at my blog on Mondays. Probably because it's the only day I make sure to post haha. And then I randomly bombard with you a few posts. I should probably work on some sort of schedule... but eh.


Steve's parents came down to visit me one last time before we more than likely move farther away, and to buy us a couch for his graduation.

We tried 3 places I've never eaten before... Si Chuan, a Chinese restaurant - it was good food, but bad service. La Puente, a Mexican restaurant - it was delicious! And then Romano's Macaroni Grill - Olive Garden is better haha. Although the bread was super delicious.

We also went to the zoo and saw lots of monkeys. Seriously. They were cool though. :) I wish the Polar Bear exhibit had been open. I'm hoping it will be by the time Steve gets back. I want to go before we move! And he likes zoos!

Other than that, just hanging out and watching TV.

Be bombarded with pictures now. K? These are all on Instagram, too. Follow me. jessicansteve

Steve's Graduation Present

This is his BMT graduation present from his parents. Our first new, real couch - still wrapped in plastic and everything when we brought it home. (We've had couches before, but they were used from friends and family.) My parents bought us a futon about a year ago, but it has now lost it's cushioning. Yeah, after a year. It sucks. Jasmine is currently sleeping under the futon... which she never did when it was against the other wall.

Steve and I took the lining stuff off the bottom of the futon to see if we could figure out how to restuff it, but couldn't see a way. So if you have any tips on that... please tell me! It's still great and pretty, it's just not cushy anymore. But I love our new couch and can't wait for him to see it!

Monday Love

I love you for trusting me with your deepest, darkest secrets. And for keeping mine.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The in-laws are coming... with no husband here to help! Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

30 more days until I see my Steve in case any of you were wondering. :) This part is half over!!!

Only 29 days until I leave for Texas though! Woot!

A friend from work will be checking on Jasmine every day while I'm gone. No one can actually take her, so I'm just giving my key to my friend. It'll probably be a lot less stressful for her anyway. Although, she'll by SUPER lonely. That's the only thing I'm worried about. It'll be less than a week so I think she'll be fine. Hopefully, she won't hate me when I get back.

Just a warning... stay away from my work this week. Seriously. Corporate has to turn on our A/C and they have yet to do so. It's hotter inside than outside. So today is a "hair up in a ponytail" day. On a cooler note... my landlord filled my swamp cooler yesterday and so my home is now comfy again! Hooray!

Monday Love

Thank you for FINALLY taking care of the paycheck issue. Sorry you missed out on the obstacle course today.

You asked about Jasmine, too. I knew you loved her. =D

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monday Love

I just love hearing your voice. Even more so in the middle of my work day. :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Days that I'm off

I sleep til 10
Check facebook, blogs, etc,
Make sure my volume is still up on my phone
Go back to sleep
Maybe clean up the kitchen, or table, laundry if it's Sunday
Play Sudoku on my Nook while "watching TV"

Days that I work

Sleep til the last minute
Get ready for work
Go to work
Check my volume again
Play with my kitty
Check Facebook, blogs, etc
Watch TV

I don't want to do this. He doesn't want to do this last we spoke. So why are we forcing it? I keep thinking maybe we just need to get used it. Maybe it will be better next time. But I know it won't be. Then I think, maybe it's just because we're completely cut off from each other. If he leaves again for a TDY we can talk every night. If he leaves for a deployment, technology is better than it used to be and we should at least be able to talk more now even if it's through email. Neither of us know if we should wait it out, and or if we should try to get out of it now. I just wish we knew which path to go down, but we just don't know. We don't know if we're just being dumb, or if it means we need to try something else. I just don't know!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Freaking cars!

Both of my cars are broken right now. Both. BOTH!

My car... well I still haven't put a new tailpipe on it. But now, when I am turning, I feel clicking under my foot! I'm afraid my steering will go out! So it's not getting driven until I can afford to take it somewhere and have them look at it.

His car... is leaking oil like crazy!!! And the driver's window is half way off its track so I can't use it.

Someone, either at MEPS here in SLC, or at the base in Texas lost our direct deposit paper. He had it in with all the other paperwork he needed when he left the apartment and someone lost it. Today, I received his debit card to a new account and a new bank that he sent me, but I can't activate it because I don't have the whole thing. When I talked to him on Saturday, he said he forgot to send half of it, and I'm guessing that other half has what I need.

There's no money in the account yet, but I was hoping to get the cars fixed next Tuesday after he gets paid. I get paid tomorrow, so I hope I can afford to at least get one of them fixed. It's so frustrating that the cars broke after he left. And that all the bugs attack after he leaves. So far, there have been 2 spiders, and 3 flies. Chrissy killed one spider, Abigail killed a fly, Jasmine ate a fly, I drowned and turned the garbage disposal on a fly and squished the other spider.

I need my knight on a white horse to come home! :'(

Spring Break

What is that again? Oh, right. Time off from all responsibility. That would be nice right about now.

Abigail came to visit for her spring break. She arrived on Saturday the 31st and the lovely Denae accompanied me to the airport to pick her up. She got to meet Jasmine and loved her. But who doesn't? Besides non-cat people that is. :) Abigail arrived a few minutes early but was stuck on the plane for 25 minutes while they arrested someone and took his kids. The three of us then went to Burger Bar (a local walk-up restaurant type place) so that Abigail could get her beloved shake.

During Abigail's stay, we saw the Hunger Games (which she loved without reading the books), colored Easter eggs, watched movies and spongebob haha! and went swimming. We went window shopping with Charlotte at the new City Creek mall down in Salt Lake City. Charlotte bought a few things from a normal priced store (which there are very few of) because the mall is very high end. We found a men's argyle sweater that looked nice until we saw it was 200 bucks! Ouch. Walk the other way. We oogled the diamonds at Tiffany's and sat by the fountains for a little bit.

Once we got back, Charlotte had stuff to do and Abigail and I decided to go on the hunt for a graduation dress for me. Abigail wasn't in the best mood at City Creek because there were too many people. It wasn't as much fun, but she perked back up when we went out to the normal mall and some other stores. When we found the dress I wanted, we talked our dad into buying it for me. :) He's so generous. He also changed her plane ticket that day. She was supposed to leave that night at 1AM but let her stay another day and a half! I really love him! I needed my sister.

Anyway, as we were shopping, her phone started restarting and did it continually for about an hour. Finally, I decided to give her my old phone. We had our parents passcode and everything but couldn't get my phone to program to their account. We went to a verizon kiosk in the mall. They were no help. So then we decided to actually go to the verizon store and we finally got it set up. Yay for people who know what they're doing!

On her last day, we walked to an ice cream shop called Subzero. It's really cool. You pick your base (ice cream, yogurt, soy, custard or some rice mix) then you pick as many flavors as you want from about 30 choices (I did brownies and cheesecake) and then they mix it, and instantly freeze it with a nitrogen machine! Then you pick your mix ins and done! It was delicious and I highly recommend it if you have one near you!

It was nice to spend so much time with my sister and to have company the first week my husband was gone.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday Love

You're so open and honest with me and I love it! And you more for it. I miss you!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday Love

I love you for thinking I'm stronger than I'm feeling.

I wish you would call.